Since a while I wanted to write an article on products that have been part of my daily life for some time now. They have become essential to my well-being ! Particularly attentive to what is inside the products, I decided to definitely stop using silicones, parabens, preservatives, as long as they are findable. For my…Continue reading My essentials
Month: August 2016
Every month, it’s the same story. I impatiently scrutinize my mail, I wait for the postman, long story short – I’m on edge. Where is it, and especially what does it contain? The box from Emma & Chloé knows how to be desired. It’s already four months that I’ve been subscribed to this little black…Continue reading Emma&Chloé
Fly without fear
I’ve always been afraid of flying. Not to the point of not traveling, but enough to rot the excitement of vacations. My fear has intensified the day my daughter was born. From that moment, it was impossible for me to take the plane without having a phase of unmanageable anxiety. Each one of my trips…Continue reading Fly without fear